Yesterday was another beach day! Poor Bill had to stay in the hotel for awhile in the morning to work on school, but he met us a little later at the beach. We rented surfboards for a couple hours, and then rented an outrigger canoe. Way cool!!!! It was the […]
Terri Hardin
Yesterday was Rianne’s 14th birthday – what a place to celebrate! We decided to go snorkeling at Hanauma Bay, so we packed all our snorkel gear and headed out at about 8:30 with a quick drive-thru at McDonalds for breakfast. The McDonalds are few and far between here, so I’m […]
This morning was the last of Scott’s conference, so he was able to meet us for breakfast at a little coffee shop near our hotel. More yummy banana pancakes with coconut syrup for me! After breakfast, we decided to climb Diamond Head. We had a slight delay when a bird […]
What a perfect day today was! All I can say is thank you God for such good ideas as beaches, sunshine, waves, mountains, breezes, surfboards and suntans! This was one of those days when I think God was giving us little glimpses of what life will be like in eternity. […]
While my last post was the world’s shortest blog, this may prove to be the longest, so grab a snack and get comfy, ‘cuz it’s gonna be a long one! We all made it to Hawaii, and are having a blast! It’s been twenty years since I’ve been here, and […]
This may be the world’s shortest blog! I’m tired, suitcases are packed, nails are polished, and we’re heading to Hawaii! Till next time, Terri
Have you ever had one of those “A-Ha” moments, that sort of snaps you back to reality? This morning was one of those times. I should have known, when I was tempted to skip church just because I was tired. The alarm went off, I mumbled something to Scott, to […]
Well, Day 3 was actually yesterday, but I never made it to my computer to post an update, so today is a 2 for 1 day! Yesterday started out a little iffy because we were having car trouble. But, God was good, and we were able to get the car […]
We have a great hotel here in Nebraska – tons of room for our family. Kudos to the mom who did all the planning! The four big kids ate the free breakfast in the lobby, while I got to sleep in! Unfortunately, since I missed breakfast, I ate a couple […]